Fluster Cluck Out Today on PS4

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Fluster Cluck Out Today on PS4

The question of the moment: what the hell is Fluster Cluck?

Answer: see for yourself.

Next question: why Fluster Cluck?

Answer: LOOK at it. Competitive. Fast-paced. Action packed. Tons of loadout choices. No pretense at being anything other than EXACTLY what it is: a crazy, couch-chaos battle ’till the last gamer standing wins.

If you’re looking to pile a bunch of your friends onto the couch for a party game, then Fluster Cluck is exactly the $8.99 experience ($14.99 for non-Plus members) that your PS4 needs. Of course, there are those kinds of people who are not looking for a riotous party game. You know people who are like this. Don’t be like them.

We realize that some of you reading this may need more details before making a purchase decision. Therefore, here is the entire plot summary of Fluster Cluck:

Bok. Bok bok bok bok bok. Bok-OCK!

Work your way up the ranks of Chikkin Koop’s bureaucracy. Gather cows, camels, zombies, even coworkers, and turn them all into applied chikkin technology. All of them.

Single-player campaign? Teams? Co-op? Free-for-all? ALL OF THE ABOVE.

We could tell you more about Fluster Cluck — how grown men have openly wept after playing it, how it singlehandedly ended the Cold War, how it figured out the true meaning of life — but really, you need to discover the Fluster Cluck for yourself. It’s out today. Go try it with a bunch of friends and remember why we all started playing games in the first place.

Have any questions about the absolute kick-ass, fun-with-friends gaming experience that is Fluster Cluck? Let us know below. Remember what is good in life: to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their CHIKKIN!

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3 Author Replies

  • Yes!!! Finally. :)

  • How does a game named “Fluster Cluck” get the stamp of approval from Sony when Insomniac couldn’t use “Ratchet and Clank: Clock Blockers”?

  • Yahoo, another Cluster Fluck game for PS4 owners.
    Greatness Awaits Forever!

  • Great, but why wasn’t the PlayStation Share Play feature in the 2.0 previews? We didn’t forget about that feature..

  • @2 thats an easy one.. because one is sexual in nature the other is a play on words off of a “bad word” that is so tame by todays standards that its even said on network (non cable) television now (i remember a time when that wasnt the case)

  • @4 because you werent paying attention.. here let me help you out with the very first sentence “You may already know that PS4ā€™s upcoming system software 2.00, codenamed Masamune, adds some big features including Share Play, YouTube support, and Themes ā€“ but the updates donā€™t end there.”

    In otherwords that preview was to go over the stuff we didnt already know about….

  • *sigh* Naming games in this manner is one reason why games are still regarded by some as infantile media.

  • @7 yeah because 50% of games out there have that sorta name.. and its an Indie title he media and whatnot wont even notice this game.. how many AAA titles have such names?

  • @8 every single Ratchet and clank game.

  • @ #6 Oh cool, thanks! I got so excited for that feature that I didn’t even notice they mentioned it in the first sentence and scrolled through the highlighted points for it to be displayed.

    Gotta read.

  • $8.99? SOLD! Looks like a lot of fun!

  • Please stop with the couch co-op games start making some online co-op ones. they games look decent than once i see no online co-op it is no buy for me.

  • @ 5 Reallly? Wow. Well I have not watched television in a while so I didn’t know that.

  • Sir is there an online multiplayer in fluster cluck?

    • Local co-op multiplayer only, since it’s designed to be a couch party game. That said, we’re following PlayStation’s recent announcements about the SharePlay feature with great interest!

  • Should expand on that last comment a bit: FLUSTER CLUCK has free-for-all and team modes for both the normal resource-gathering competition (“Chikkin Hunt”) *and* the deathmatch mode. The game really shines when you’ve got a four-player Fluster Cluck going on!

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