Psychological Puzzler Pillar Launches February 17th

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Psychological Puzzler Pillar Launches February 17th


First let’s get the big news out of the way: Pillar is coming to PS4 on February 17th for $7.99, and PS Plus members will get a 10% discount for the first week after launch! If this is your first time hearing about the game, it’s a collection of minigames, where each game represents a different type of personality we find in people. This is the third entry in a series of posts I’ve made about the game, so if you’re interested I’d recommend checking out the other ones. I cover the inspirations for the game here, and reveal the first gameplay trailer plus talk about the soundtrack here!

I’d like to drop the professionalism cloak for a second and say a few things. The first is that I hope most people find the price to be fair; I struggled with pegging one down. I started working on Pillar in August 2012, and it’s been my life ever since so it’s hard to put a price tag on that. It means the world to just have people play it, but I’m also trying to make a living so I want to charge something that will let me keep doing this full time. The game takes around five hours to 100% complete, and I feel each part of the game is unique; there isn’t any filler in Pillar. (Sick rhyme!)


This isn’t an award speech, but I wouldn’t have made it to the finish line without others helping me. First, thanks to Nick Suttner from PlayStation for helping me bring the game to PS4; yes, it’s his job to help, but you can tell many at PlayStation are passionate about games and that’s what makes PS4 look attractive to devs.


Thanks Tom Spilman and the MonoGame team for enabling me to bring Pillar over from a technical perspective. Thanks to the XNA community for helping me learn programming, I’m self-taught and from the middle of nowhere so I owe this to them. Thanks to my family and friends for testing the game, helping with sound effects and being there for me. Finally, thanks to everyone on the blog that left comments or emailed me… working alone for so long wears on you, so seeing people excited was the fuel I needed to make it through this final lap.

Thanks for reading. I’ll see everyone on the 17th!

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10 Author Replies

  • Awesome looking game! Some of those light and portal puzzles look like they could be tricky. Any word on the trophy list?

  • What a very natural emotion blog post. I’ll buy the game just for that.

  • Why isn’t this coming to the PS Vita?

    • If the game does well, we’ll consider bringing it over… we’d love to do it, but I’m the only programmer.

  • I remember the first post about this game, been looking forward to it since then! Congratulations on finishing the game(s). I’ll be picking this one up!

  • I think the price is more than fair. Thank you for considering our wallets! I hope you feel that all the time and effort you spent on this project have been worth it. Congratulations on reaching the finishing line.

    • Glad to hear that =-) I definitely do… I feel it’s something I’ll look back at and be proud of for the rest of my life! Better to say I gave it all I had then to regret never trying.

  • Congrats on finishing this very curious and unique looking game! Also, I think it is wonderful you are thanking folks in this post. I’d like to see more people do this :-)

    • Thanks so much! There’s so many people I still need to thank honestly, even the smallest interactions can help someone out… hard to remember that sometimes.

  • Looks cool. Keep the games comin :D

  • I dont know why people assume every game, especially Indie games should be on Vita. First off the Vita has a very limited amount of RAM, and these indie teams need more money to try to get their game to work on vita. Which can be very costly especially if the game assest and coding needs a lot of ram. Also their biggest install base will be on PS4 and PS3. Vita has the lowest install base of any PS console, so its a risk to invest money in a console you don’t know will sell. Anyways, this game looks awesome and I look forward to its release.

    • Hey yeah, actually you pretty much nailed a lot of the reasons we couldn’t bring it over at the moment. It would require some tweaks, and I have no experience with handhelds so we’re trying to take it one step at a time. If the game does well on PS4 we’ll look at a Vita verison! Hope you enjoy the game and thanks for the comment!

  • Michael! 5 hours?

    So what you’re saying is, even an ENFP might be able to finish it?


  • Hi Michael, I look forward to trying out your new game. I enjoy supporting indie devs such as yourself—in my opinion, what you bring to the Playstation platform is just as important as the AAA stuff I enjoy playing. Also, your post really resonated with me. I hope the launch is smooth and successful.

    • Hey I appreciate that… Yeah I think AAA and indies have different things to offer, both important in their own way. Thanks for the kind words!

  • If you get the opportunity, please bring this to PS3 as well. Many of us haven’t made the transition yet. Probably not until late 2015 for me. I’d happily buy this on PS3 though.

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