LittleBigPlanet Community Goodness: The Costume Edition

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Remembering Costumes

Remember the first time you played LittleBigPlanet? Remember the first thing you did? For us, it was opening the POP-IT and customizing our own little Sackboy (or Sackgirl). I’m sure most of you remember dressing your own little Sackboy – and as we reminisce, we’re reminded of a few community gems that we thought we should share…

Costume Montages

sposim94 has creatively put together a two pieces we love with tons of LittleBigPlanet and LittleBigPlanet 2 beta costumes:

sposim94: We can’t wait to see what you do with the costumes in LittleBigPlanet 2!

Say Cheese!

Over on LittleBigPlanetCentral, they got together and created a brilliant group photo…

LBP group photo

Leftover Birthday Cake on The PlayStation Store!

Speaking of costumes – remember all the “Special” DLC that popped up for free on the PlayStation Store? Well, they’re coming back!

Cakeboy HD

We just celebrated LittleBigPlanet’s second birthday, and had some leftovers. Head to the PlayStation Store on Tuesday, November 16th and be sure to download it before its gone.

Your Costumes!

After all that, we naturally we looked the internetz to see more, and got stuck looking at all the Sackboy Halloween costumes. I’m still working on mine (one made from balloon animal balloons). Love these!

And then there’s this …sooooo wrong.

New LittleBigPlanet Addition to PlayStation Home

While we’re talking customized personas, for those of you doing that in PlayStation Home, don’t forget to check out the latest addition to the LittleBigPlanet Home space.

PlayStation Home: LittleBigPlanet Derby PlayStation Home: LittleBigPlanet Derby

Random Goodness

Sackboy balloon animal blur

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