ModNation Monday: To ModNation With Love

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The Black Eyed Peas couldn’t seem to spell it correctly, but we can (L-O-V-E) and we have plenty of that for the ModNation this week. Double XP, FREE DLC, and love for the PSP (somebody write a song, that rhymes!) and more!

“I’ll Scratch Your Back, You Scratch Mine”
How’s this for a “sweetheart” deal? I’ve done some wheelin‘n’dealin’ to get you some much desired Double XP so get ready to crank it up this week. Double XP “Week of Love” runs from February 15th – 21st.

Now here’s what I need from you… MORE Tracks! MORE Karts! MORE Mods! I’m very impressed with all the creations I have seen so far but I have an insatiable appetite for more! Since I’m asking you to spend your time building tracks the least I can do is return the favor. I will seriously look at EVERY track submitted as well as thoroughly test drive each track considered for Hot Lap status. In fact I’d consider it an honor. It is art!

Deal? You can submit your creations HERE 24/7.

FREE DLC (One Week Only): Lovebug Mod and Swan Kart

ModNation Racers - Lovebug SwanKart

Until now, no one actually knew what the Lovebug looked like. The investigative team at UFG have put together an “artist rendering” based on eyewitness accounts from both young and old who have been bitten by this beautiful(?) creature. The Swan kart on the other hand may be fiction. In celebration of Valentine’s Day, these are our gift to you.

Free DLC love for one week only!


Your next kart will need some very “Progressive” design. You’ll be fine, just “Go With The Flo” early in March.


Tracks of the Week

Monday: The Summit Plummet by Sherris
Tuesday: Isla Luxoria by atheistsw
Wednesday: The Twist of Old Town by beatdough
Thursday: Tanuki Town by dane9261
Friday: City of Deneb by Cygnus2780


The Summit Plummet by Sherris

ModNation Racers - Summit1

ModNation Racers - Summit2 ModNation Racers - Summit3

Sherris says: “I wanted to create a track with a nice open feel to it before it threw you into a very narrow Tunnel/mine shaft. I love off-roading and challenging alternate routes that feel satisfying when you pull them off.”

Mark: “I think Wookiepedia better describes racing your track-

Podracing was a popular sport in the less-developed regions of the galaxy. It has been called ‘the ultimate test of skill and daring on Tatooine,’ and was certainly one of the most dangerous sports ever invented, killing many racers.

That was exactly my experience! It took me a long time to finish towards the top on the amazing off-road track.”


Mod Name: Combat Drone (type 2)
Creator: Shelbot3001 – “This mod is designed to be an aquatic drone with the appearance that it is hovering above your kart.”

ModNation Racers - Drone1 ModNation Racers - Drone2

Kart Name: Thorny Rose
Creator: CroTim – “It was meant to be beautiful, yet rugged, so all the stickers of roses have thorns. I accomplished the look as if the rose vines were coming out from under the hood and from the front wheels.”

ModNation Racers - Thorn_2


Mark: Yeah you know me!

PSP owners, do you own ModNation Racers for the PSP? Every week we will highlight a FANTASTIC PSP track, mod and kart for the community’s admiration. I know I have been blown away at what I’ve seen so far. Let’s keep going! (Any impressive stats on how many tracks, karts, and mods we have online?)

If you are new to track creation on the PSP, here are links to some great tutorials from MNR PSP Producer Vernon Mollette:

PSP “Spotlight” Creations:

Track: Sink Hole
Mod: The Freak by JT_JT_JT
Kart: Tokio Drift by Bomber_Man721

I hope you like some of the new features we are adding to the ModNation Monday blog. Stay tuned in, more to come!

Have fun out there!


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