PlayStation Now Streaming Game Service Coming this Summer

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PlayStation Now Streaming Game Service Coming this Summer

PS Now

Today, at CES 2014 in Las Vegas, we announced that PlayStation Now (PS Now), our new streaming game service, will be available in the US this summer. With PlayStation Now, you will be able to stream popular hits and classic games from the PS3 library, first on PS4 and PS3 systems, followed by PS Vita.

In addition to PlayStation platforms, most 2014 US models of Sony’s BRAVIA TV lineup will support PS Now. Eventually the service will expand beyond PlayStation platforms and Sony devices, allowing you to stream PlayStation games across a broad range of Internet-connected devices.

Leveraging Gaikai’s advanced cloud-based technology, PlayStation Now will allow you to:

  • Play video games instantly across multiple devices, similar to the way you might stream TV, movies, and music.
  • Stream full games to all of your compatible PlayStation devices including PS4, PS3, and PlayStation Vita as well as non-PlayStation devices, beginning with 2014 BRAVIA TV models and expanding to numerous other Internet-connected devices.
  • Always play the most updated version of your game. With games hosted in the cloud, you can take your game with you – just log in with your Sony Entertainment Network account on a compatible device and your games and saved progress will be easily available.

We want to offer you choice when it comes to how you want to access content on PS Now, so you will be able to rent by title for specific games you are interested in. We’ll also offer a subscription that will enable you to explore a range of titles.

PS Now will begin a Beta program in the US at the end of January with an expected full roll-out in the US this summer. Be sure to check the PlayStation.Blog regularly for more updates on the PS Now service.

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  • Sign me up for the beta, NOW!

  • Sounds good. Though I wonder how much it’ll be for a subscription.

  • This could be really, really good. The biggest surprise is the eventual rollout on non Playstation hardware. A definite shot in the arm for Vita, either way.
    Now, as #2 commented, about that closed beta…! :)

  • I am very interested in this! Please if you have a PlayStation Console with PS Plus let us have a discount! So many questions unanswered but hopefully that will change!

  • Congrats on the exciting new service offering! Please sign me up for the closed beta. I’ll be glad to give you detailed feedback on how the service is working on all three PS platforms.

    • Thanks so much! We’ll share more info about the closed beta, such as participant criteria, in the near future.

  • Any info on the beta sign up?

  • Now where is that closed beta?!

  • Will PS Now be coming to Canada this summer as well?

    • It will initially become available in US (mainland). We will announce the service’s availability in other areas when we are ready to expand the service to those customers. More info soon!

  • Cool! Excited for Vita streaming!

    • We’re playing The Last of Us on Vita at CES right now. It’s amazing – can’t wait for you all to check it out!

  • I need this on my PSVita

  • Would I need to practically repurchase my ps3 disc games digitally to to be able to stream on the ps4?

  • What about Canada? Are we going to get it at the same time?

  • I’ll be all over it if the price is right.

  • We’re going to have to rent games or subscribe to the service?!?!?!?!?!?!

    What about those of us with games bought digitally? Are you still going to let us play those, or are you now telling us we have to pay for games we already own?

    If this doesn’t let us play our already purchased digital titles, there’s pretty much no reason for anyone who’s already spent money to subscribe.

    • Hey boomstickbhg – With PS Now, you can rent by title for specific games, or you can choose a subscription that delivers additional value with a wide variety of genres. For example, you can try out a game by rental first, before deciding to actually purchase the full game and download it to your console. We believe this streaming game service will add tons of value to dedicated game consoles in addition to packaged and downloaded games, and in doing so, we will open up a new world of possibilities across PlayStation platforms.

      Of course, one of the big reasons we are offering a closed beta is to get feedback on all aspects of the service, including of course the experience with rentals and subscriptions, so we look forward to hearing more feedback from our community as we move through the beta.

  • My main question is, will we be able to use existing save files for games like The Last of Us? I would love to finish playing that game on my PS4!

    Oh and sign me up for beta please. ;-)

    • Good news! Your save files with PS Now games move with you from any PSN now enabled and supported device. With games hosted in the cloud, you can truly take your game with you – just log in with you SEN account and your games and progress will be instantly available.

  • I also would like to know if PS now will be launching in Canada this summer.

  • Will we have free access to the digital games we’ve already purchased?

  • This should be included in Playstation Plus, if it is holy cow. It would have even MORE outstanding value than it already has.

  • Good! PS4 games on my PS3!!!

    • PS Now will offer PS3 games now but we are considering measures to offer other content in the future. We’ll definitely share more info as the service evolves.

  • Im up for the beta sign me up!

  • I need to know some answers.Are we still getting ps1 classic and ps2 classic games to buy through psn or is it now going to be this service and we have to just rent it?Will this conflict with ps+ since we get full ps3 games for free and get great sales on them as well as ps1 classics and ps2 classics.Now with this coming are you guys going to be more hesitent about what to release?

    • Hey Souledge94,

      PS Now will offer PS3 games now but we are considering measures to offer other content in the future (such as PS1, PS2, and PS4 games).

      As a Plus member you can look forward to plenty of more great games as part of your Instant Game Collection. We’re fully committed to continuing to provide our Plus members with the tons of value.

      With PS Now, gamers will simply have more options to access great PlayStation content than ever before possible. I’m betting you will love the service.

  • Because of the fact that we do not have the room for two consoles, I traded in my PS3 for my new PS4. For instance, I purchased The Last of Us but was not able to finish it before I had to make my trade. So, with PS NOW, will I have to repurchase the game again to stream it and finish it? I think there are some holes in the service that need to be explained.

  • How to I join this beta program if I’m from Canada?!

    sign me up SCE!

  • Can’t wait for the PS3 games on my PS4. I want to play the Last of Us so bad. Great move. Way ahead of the pack on this one Sony. Well done! Lets hope for smooth streaming and a great interface.

  • Oh a nice thought, if this works it would be way way better to have this service included in Plus and they can finally ditch the whole IGC thing :)

  • More like PlayStation Wow ;-)

  • How do I get into this beta? I will do terrible things to be in it…

    • We’ll share more info about the beta with you all in the near future. Pretty sure we won’t require you to do anything terrible to get in on the action though ;)

    • well hold on now Matt, let’s see how far he’ll go…jk jk

  • I’s SO excited. WOOT WOOT!!! #PlayStationNow! wheres the closed Beta sign up?!?! I have PS4, Vita, and Sony W600 47in TV let me in, let me in! and dont you dare reply not by the hair of my chinny chin chin……..

  • Also, what about PS1 & PS2 games? will we not be able to play them on PSNow?

  • the only thing im thinking right now… GTA5 on ps4!!!!

  • Sign me up for the beta, NOW

  • Soooo many questions. Like, do I really need to own a second ps4 or any playstation product after this thing launches given how any device will be able to play it in the future.

    • PS4 allows you to experience the most immersive game play and new entertainment experiences such as “Share” that is only possible on a dedicated console. To start, we will be offering PS Now on PS3, PS4, Vita and BRAVIA TVs. I’d say PS Now gives you MORE reason to own PlayStation devices.

  • I’m hoping there’ll be some sort of incentive to have a PS+ subscription alongside a PS Now subscription (discounted bundle price, etc.). Also I’m hoping that my 3-5 Mbps connection will be fast enough for the service; it would be wise to offer a 30-day free trial for everyone first to see if their Internet bandwidth is powerful enough for the service.

    • We recommend a 5MBPS+ connection. In our internal tests, users with this bandwidth or greater have been enjoying a low latency, high-quality gaming experience. PS Now tests your connection of each game and optimizes for quality if you are above the minimum requirements. We strive to make the gameplay experience feel as if the game is being played locally on their device – fast and responsive (including for FPS and games with twitch mechanics). The Closed Beta will definitely provide a great opportunity to test the experience with gamers with varying connection speeds and our developers will, of course, be working diligently to optimize the service based upon the feedback we receive from the community.

  • Sign me up for the Playstation Now Beta. I have PS+,PS3, PS4, and Vita.

  • Can’t Wait:
    A few questions if u could answer:
    1. Will u still add PS1 and PS2 Classics to PSN?
    2. Are ALL games available from the start or are they added every now and then?
    3.Anything benefits when it comes to being a PS Plus member?

    • Hey Sonicfan,

      1. To start, PS Now will offer PS3 games, but we are considering measures to offer other content in the future (such as PS1, PS2, and PS4 games). We’ll share more info as the service evolves.

      2. We haven’t announced what specific titles will be available yet (what we are showing at CES – Beyond, God War: Ascension, The Last of Us, and Puppeteer is for tech demo purposed only). We will definitely be adding games to the service over time based upon the requests we get from our community.

      3. We have no Plus news to announce at this time. But speaking of member benefits, how about that January line-up Kristine posted? I almost fainted at the news ;)

  • I also wonder about the bandwidth requirements. With those of us just with a DSL connection be left out?

  • Would love to be in the BETA also…:)

  • Now that’s WOW !!

  • I’m very excited that Sony is bringing back game rentals! Please please please target a rental price that will lead to impulse rentals. $3.99 for 72 hours.

  • SIgn me up for the beta!!

  • This sounds great. Is the beta public?

  • And so it begins…

  • Fantastic announcement! Would also love to be part of the beta.

  • 98% chance that since the servers will be doing most of the work, this will be a subscription based service.

    • We will be offering rentals as well as part of PS Now. We want to provide our gamers with as many options as possible – rent, subscribe, purchase (digital or physical), whatever works best for YOU.

  • 3.99 for 72 hours?

    Back when rental stores still existed that was enough to rent for a week +

    Suggest a longer rental period if you want to give them ideas lol.

  • Yay Sony! This is a fantastic announcement. Now I can really take my console gaming on the go with the Vita. I always wondered why they didn’t do a rental feature like they do with movies.

  • I don’t know how limited the beta is, but good luck to everyone. My guess is that the most active PlayStation Plus users will get into it. Hopefully if you don’t get in, you know someone who does. Also, I think my next TV might be a 2014 Bravia, haha.

  • Canadian here. Here’s hoping this service would be available soon too~

  • So many questions and no answers :-(

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