Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

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Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Coming to PS4

Update: An earlier headline for this post stated that Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is coming to PS Vita, which was incorrect. Type-0 is coming to PS4 in North America and Europe.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

I’d like to start this out by thanking everyone who let us know how badly you wanted this game to come to North America. Ever since the original PlayStation Portable release in Japan, you guys have never given up on it, raising your voices in an effort to see this title come to North America and Europe. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s coming and it’s going to be in HD.

Stay tuned for more details in the future.

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  • To Square Enix..
    i never log in to the playstation blog. Literally never. I did so ONE time. And that was on your Final Fantasy X/X-2 Blog.
    If you go back to it i was the one that reccomended ffx to be physical and ffx-2 to be digital (for ps vita). Ive been constantly signing in on multiple websites convincing people who wanted ff type-0 to let their voices be heard to let all of you at square enix know how bad and how many wanted this game to come to the west. And i can assure you 90% of those people were people hoping for a portable version. Matter a fact not one person on those many website blogs i been to were ever people asking for a home console version.

    Those voices youve heard asking for this were the voices of people you just let down. Yet you give them credit for making their voices heard but give the game to a totally different crowd. I been a fan of you guys since your first final fantasy game generations ago. And as much love as i have for you guys as a company ,decisions like this one makes me wonder if you have that same type of love for your fans. The ones whove been there since day one. Youve heard the fans the first time,now hear them again. Because their here trying to be heard once more

  • want type 0 for vita.

  • Oh, my, the peeps be so mad. And I don’t blame them. This time, the Vita whining is completely justified One of the worst PR fumblings I’ve seen in years here.

  • type 0 fro vita , type 0 for vita

  • Ho comprato vita al d1 perché ero follemente innamorato della psp, non ps4. E loro giustamente dopo anni che lo aspetto non solo lo fanno diventare multi, ma addirittura non mi danno la versione vita di un gioco pensato per portatile.
    Io non so di chi sia la colpa, ma come cazzo si può fare una news di tale importanza quando si sa che tutti i possessori di vita attendevano questo titolo. Cioè, non mi sarei neanche tanto incazzato se non l’avessi letto sul vostro sito, infatti la prima notizia è stata ps4 e one, poi ho letto vita qui e mi sono esaltato per una manciata di minuti, fino a quando non ho scoperto che in Sony vi piace trollarci, grazie eh.
    La voglia a difenderla per tutti questi anni, “guardate che prima o poi qualcosa di grosso l’annunciano”, sì! Annunciano che ci hanno preso per il culo, è diventata il controller remoto di una console che non ho e che non voglio più avere.
    Il 3ds sarà arrivato a 12 esclusive da parte di SE, e voi non ve ne riuscite a garantire mezza, ma come pensate di vender… ah già, non ve ne frega niente di vita, mi sarebbe piaciuto che me l’aveste detto prima

  • Stuff like this is why I switched to a 3DS XL. Bravely Default, Kingdom Hearts, Monster Hunter 3/4 Ultimate, Tales of the Abyss, Resident Evil: Revelations, Shin Megami Tensei IV… so many great games that the Vita could easily handle but Sony can’t get it done. Indies are great but indies aren’t system sellers. Using a Vita for indie games is like taking a Porche and driving it in the slow lane.

  • this is heartbreaking. I’ve been waiting for this game for a long time. I never even tried downloading the pirated version just to give square enix and the vita my support. I feel that the loyal fan in me of all things vita has been alienated. I want this game but if sony will not show support to its own handheld, i’m not sure if I can keep a positive outlook about its future.

  • Great news. Hopefully it doesn’t take them 8+ years to develop this too.

  • I already have a PS4, so I’m not upset that Type-0 isn’t coming out on the Vita, however, I do think it’s silly not to release it for the Vita, especially since so many people don’t have a next gen console, but DO have a Vita and have been clamoring for this game since it was announced in Japan. Square, I am very disappoint,

  • No vita no buy!! This coming from a vita exclusive gamer! Yep! We exist too!!

  • Square enix,la noticia de excluir final fantasy type-0 nos ha desconcertado a todos y cada uno de nosotros,todo el esfuerzo que ha sido llevado a cabo para traer este gran juego a llegado al remitente equivocado,la gente que pedía este juego lo pedía en su gran mayoría como una version portatil para la ps vita,con esta acción no solo habéis demostrado no atender a vuestros fans sino atender únicamente a vuestras necesidades comerciales
    Si no hay versión de vita,No hay final fantasy type-0 vendido

  • Start sharing the hashtag to different people like Shahid or vita lounge. But not IGN. IGN sucks.

  • I have never been so confused with my emotions. I should be ecstatic. The only game I’ve wanted to play in the last 6 years is finally coming out. But its coming to PS4 and Xbone? WHY NOT VITA!!! WTF!

    You guys must be rolling your eyes. Bending over backwards to give us what we want, and yet we still turn on you because its not on the right console. Well, I think its because, frankly, you’ve given up on your own handheld and its frustrating. This game should be on Vita and only Vita. Sure sure, I know its SE’s decision to put a game built for a handheld on a console, but I know Sony had something to do with it.

    It’s bull****.

  • type 0 for vita

  • Wow the ome game we vita owner been crying for for years is finally coming to the states but not for the vita?!?!? #jrpgvita my ass….

  • type 0 for ps vita

  • Why did you make it for PS4? We wanted it for Vita!!! Why do you hate us so much?

  • Well i am selling my Vita not reason to keep the handheld

  • Can the Vita stopped being shoved aside?

  • haunter_sullivan

    from now on I’ll call it TYP0….I want that F’ing TYP0 on my Vita!

  • PrimeroIncognito

    @ Whiners

    I understand that you feel like you’ve been teased, but…

    REALITY CHECK: You can’t miss what you never had.

    I’m laughing at the Twitter mob. So silly. :P

  • Like clockwork PrimeroiIncognito comes in to kiss that coorporate a$$. Sure hope you have a lot of chapstick bud.

  • True. But we all felt like we did before this whole error happened. and the fact all the people hoping for the localization were psp/vita owners. I mean Xbox one? Really?


  • PS4! PS4! PS4! Final Fantasy Type 0 HD PS4!

  • No buy for me, dont want this on my ps4. Vita or no sale.

  • circa 30-40 comments deleted. I feel like there was something unbecoming that was against the Comment Policy but in this heated atmosphere it would be better to either stop deleting them and let the “holy anger” fade out naturally or update the news with an apology, and be more clear about the reasons of deleting them.

  • #novitanobuy

  • Deleting comments? what happened to freedom of the press and all that.


  • we said: type 0 for vita, type 0 for vita, type 0 for vita type 0 for vita

  • Remember to 1 star this blog post :^)
    Remember to not support Square Enix anymore, you can’t give a bigger **** you to your fans

  • Sony damage control in full force right now. Keep the twitter feed going. #novitanobuy

  • You know what they could do?

    Something that doesn’t screw over their fans.


  • WOW This is quite possibly the greatest news to come out of E3 2014. To be honest, JRPGs need to make a come back. And specifically, Square Enix needs to recommit itself to JRPGs and its fans!


    Thanks for the news. Really made my day!

  • #novitanobuy

  • I just want to play final fantasy type 0 on my vita

  • Talk about a slap in the face to all the Vita owners who have been advocating for the localization of type-0. Isn’t it ironic that the biggest Vita news out of E3 is what game the Vita is NOT getting?

  • Any real fan would be happy we’re getting game at all. If your just stuck with a vita then save your money, get a PS4 and Type 0 HD is ready for the taking.

  • What a low blow from SE, why would anyone want to buy this on xbone when you can only find people playing bro games 24/7?

  • Weeeeeeeelp, I don’t see myself buying a PS4 for a PSP game so this is disappointing. Coupled with the crappy E3 coverage for the vita, it seems that TGS will have to be the vita’s the savior this year again. I expected little to nothing from E3 but the fact that I got even LESS than nothing in the form of a fake-out is sooooo much worse. #NOVITANOBUY #novitanomoney

  • PrimeroIncognito

    @ Sevyne

    Wrong, man-baby. I’m just kickin’ a little reality for y’all. Don’t hate.

  • Save yourself the trouble. Dont give us an HD version. Give us a PSP release on Vita. Thats all we need.

  • To IIIBlazeIII- I have a PS4 and Xbox One. But to just screw over the people who were advocating for the game in the first place is ridiculous, I mean It’s being released for the Xbox One. A population of people who i doubt most of them even knew Type-0 existed. A portable game releasing on consoles? And this hiccup of trolling your fans? They deserve the hate today, and perhaps all week


  • We want a Vita Version! We fight for it for more than 3 years now for a ps vita/psp localisation!!! I hate you for that Sony and Square Enix!

  • We want a Vita Version

  • Hey SE and Sony Thanks for letting us know that you dont give a crap about the vita and that you spit in all of your most loyal fans. Thanks for the year of disappointment and not the year of the vita.

  • PrimeroIncognito

    Honestly, I don’t even see why people like these kind of games. I’d rather play Big Mother Truckers. But to each his/her own.

    I’m done here.

    Carry on, children.

  • You better give us a Vita version. #novitanobuy

  • Shame on you Square Enix.

    You betrayed us.

  • To PrimeroIncognito- Have you even looked at the game? Or are you just trying to do damage control?


  • I didn’t buy Child of Light because that game deserved to be on Vita, and Ubisoft is gonna release Vita’s version next month, and Im gonna but it. Simply, #NoVitaNoBuy

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