Prepare for Sir Dan’s undead adventure with a bone-rattling new series of instructional videos.
Brave soldiers of Gallowmere,
Every kingdom has its share of threats, and the ones you’re about to face seem to have a bone to pick with you! If you think you might have trouble parsing through zombie parts, demolishing demons and mashing these monsters, we’ve got just the trick.
For those slightly fuzzy on the ways of the land (and who wouldn’t be after a few decades?) I present to you the Bonehead’s Guide to Gallowmere – four episodes of a new weekly video series to remind every loyal knight, new or old, of the essential skills needed to defend the kingdom. No more skulking in the shadows for you!
So pay close attention – the lessons within might just be what you need to win the day. We’ll update this post with the latest info as we rattle closer to launch, so stay tuned!
MediEvil launches on October 25, 2019.
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