Metrico on PS Vita: Infographics and Input Morphing

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Metrico on PS Vita: Infographics and Input Morphing

It has been a while since we announced Metrico, so we are very excited to finally be able to share some more insights into the development and current state of Metrico. We have been working very hard the last couple of months to make sure we now have a playable version, so people can experience what Metrico is about for the first time.

Metrico on PS Vita

We announced Metrico at GDC San Francisco back in March with an announcement teaser, which was well received. But we knew that the next time we showed something to the press and you guys, we obviously would have to show more than the abstract video, aimed at introducing the game.

Metrico is a mysterious world, so we decided to keep it a bit vague with the teaser. We have a lot more to show since last March, so we’d like to take a moment and explain what type of a game Metrico is.

In Metrico the player needs to traverse the game world, which is built from all sorts of infographics, like bar diagrams, pie charts, line graphs, etc. These infographics constantly change based on your actions, movements and input. It’s something we’ve never seen before, that’s why we conveniently dubbed this ‘Input Morphing’. And also, because you are morphing the entire game world with your input.

Imagine if you would, a bar shooting up in the sky when you fire a projectile, while another shrinks with every step you move. A pie chart may embody the times you have died and a triangle plot shows the relation between your horizontal and vertical movement of your PS Vita.

Metrico on PS Vita

You have to watch your every move to make it to the end of the worlds, because this move may cause the next platform to become unreachable. You will have to analyze and experiment with the world presented, while your reflexes, intuition and smarts are being tested. The challenge of the game lies within figuring out what each infographic conveys and being able to think outside of the box.

We are going on tour with the first playable we created, so if you happen to be at Gamescom, PAX Prime or maybe even IndieCade later this year, make sure to tap us on our shoulder at Sony’s booth and give Metrico a try. We would really love to get your feedback!

We’ll be able to tell and show you more of Metrico as the game progresses. A gameplay trailer for those that are not able to come to any of the previous mentioned events will hopefully follow soon. For more information, find us on Twitter and Facebook. In the meanwhile we will keep working as hard as we can to make Metrico a game your Vita deserves!

We wonder though, does the general idea of ‘input morphing’ come across for you guys without gameplay footage?

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5 Author Replies

  • Wow, this seems strange and amazing. Definitely will support on Vita to give it some love

  • “We wonder though, does the general idea of ‘input morphing’ come across for you guys without gameplay footage?”

    Perhaps my imagination is limited but the answer to that question for me is no. Your description of the gameplay sounds interesting and has piqued my curiosity. As of late, I’m loving the indie games coming to the Vita and have been supportive by opening my wallet. Next time some actual gameplay shown would be ace.

  • I think this sounds really refreshing and fun. Glad to hear it’s still in the works! Any idea of a target release time frame? The input morphing makes sense, but certainly gameplay video will help. Looking forward to this one and am glad it’s coming to Vita :)

  • Looks awesome. Hope more great Indie Titles like this are on the way!

  • Dat infographics.

  • This game sounds really cool, but I’ll keep an eye out for the gameplay trailer.

  • I hope you can post a video soon. Would really appreciate it

  • I think i have a general understanding of the input morphing, but yes I too would like to see a gameplay video. A quick question though, is there a way for us to know which “input” is affecting which infographic and how? Or is it something we just kind of figure out through playing?

    • The latter. Figuring out what infographic reacts to which input and in what way is a essential part of the game. There may be some occasional exceptions in the future though, especially when introducing new mechanics in the final game.

  • I definitely understand what you’re trying to convey, and I’m still super hype for it. The teaser really got me pumped because I really love stats! I’d absolutely love to see some gameplay, which I suppose will crop up soon, as Gamescom is beginning. Looks fabulous, guys!

    • Thanks :D
      Gameplay footage seems to be requested even more then we’d anticipated!
      All I can say is asap, but first we’re diving head first into the craziness that is Gamescom and PAX Prime

  • I agree with those on here saying that it is hard to imagine the input morphing sans footage. I am sure we will see it soon, but for now the concept alone has me intrigued.

  • looking forward to seeing mor

  • This actually sounds a little bit similar to some of the later worlds in Braid, in which your position on the level’s X or Y axis would change the temporal state of the level. Needless to say, I’m definitely down for more of this sort of thing taken in different directions.

  • Wow, this sure sounds wild! Will you have any infographics generated by global factors (accumulated across game playthroughs, or even multiple / all players)?

    • Roy van de Mortel

      We have some ideas for these kinds of meta-puzzles that we are definitly going to look at.. But across players, or outside of the game, although very interesting, is probaply a bit out of scope at this point.

  • The concept is amazing, this is the originality the PS Vita needs to stay fresh!!!!!!!!!!

  • This looks like a really interesting game and I’m digging the art style. Looking forward to this game quite a bit.

  • Amazing style…can’t wait to put my hands on this one…

  • Thanks for posting this on the blog for people to see, who otherwise would not have, hope you guys get to show off more of the game soon.

  • Sounds/Looks something like this

    I’ve always wanted to see that concept actually used in something. The mind races with cool gameplay opportunities. But, hey, if it’s on Vita AND Cross Buy, I’ll pick this up with nearly zero hesitation. Just to mirror other comments, a video would be much appreciated. But more importantly, y’all gotta finish the game.

    • Thanks! Polygon did a Video interview with one of us at Gamescom and captured some gamefootage as well.
      Check out our: to see it. Its not a gameplay trailer obviously but it should give you a better idea of the game. We cant wait to continue development!

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