Lost Dimension Coming to PS3, PS Vita This Summer

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Lost Dimension Coming to PS3, PS Vita This Summer

Hey everyone, John from ATLUS here. You know how in some RPGs, you spend all this time and experience perfecting your combat strategies, honing the best possible team imaginable to face off with the big bad boss at The End?

Well, let me paint a nightmare scenario for you: your pool of warriors that are leveling up and gaining experience have a few traitors in their midst. And as you inch closer and closer towards the final boss, you’re forced to kill one of your teammates — hoping against all hope that you figured out enough clues along the way to be able to correctly identify which one of them is actually a traitor. And after you repeatedly undergo this pattern of trial of accusations and executions (bear in mind this is on top of a full day of combat) you’re squaring off against the final boss, only to have several party members turn on you because SURPRISE, you picked the wrong traitor. The End.

Or rather, the beginning, because that’s the scenario that PS3 and PS Vita users will be facing when ATLUS launches the tactical RPG Lost Dimension this summer. In this wild mashup of an RPG, the player is the main protagonist of SEALED — a group of psychically gifted warriors — and acts as their commander on the battlefield. After combat, the warriors wait back in their base camp where the protagonist can chat with several members to improve their relationships, and at certain points use his unique ability to read minds to try and sniff out the traitors.

Lost DimensionLost Dimension

Of course since you’ll be bonding with the rest of your combat unit, you get to use their experience in combat to both level up their individual abilities as well as get insight as to whether they may be the traitor. And man, let me tell you how much it sucks when you have to “erase” an ally you’ve really been pouring experience into. And for those worried about replayability, the traitors are randomly chosen each playthrough, so good luck with New Game+ mode!

You can expect to see Lost Dimension on PS3 and PS Vita this summer in North America.

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34 Author Replies

  • Great to hear! I was hoping this would come over at some point, so I’m glad you guys picked it up. Sounds like a lot of fun, especially with the traitor system and varied NG+.

  • Looks like it could be pretty cool. Now that Atlus is owned by SEGA I do wish we could get some higher budget stuff like Yakuza Ishin/Zero, Phantasy Star Nova or the Shining series though.

  • I just wanted to drop by and say thanks for putting in the extra effort to fully localize the game. It’s rather annoying to see some larger companies be unwilling to fully translate their games (Especially with a few certain Vita games as of late), so I’m really grateful that y’all are willing to put in the extra time.

    I only recently discovered the amazing P4G, so once I’m done with that (And P3, probably) I’ll definitely take a look at this.

  • “I stand by our English dubs 100%. I think theyā€™re fantastic and after both meeting some of the people behind them as well as having to record some VO for a few of our videos, I can confirm that itā€™s incredibly difficult and taxing, and English dubs are worthy of your respect.”
    No one is saying they don’t work hard. We are saying we would like a choice to hear the original voices instead. You can’t make us like country music when we want rock just because the country artist worked really hard and you met them.

  • I’m curious as to what an Atlus employee thinks about this.. What’s your current thoughts on the amount of Japanese games (or lack thereof) that get localized? I mean, I understand that it’s a hard process, but if you said 10 years ago that we’d reach the point where Digimon games wouldn’t even get localizations anymore, I wouldn’t have believed that at all. I could list about 10 games off the top of my head that I would love to see localized. Even if it meant having to use Kickstarter to do it.

    Anyway, thanks for being rad, Atlus. Looking forward to this and DS2 in the near future~

  • This no dub no buy or no Japanese voices no buy needs to stop! Furthermore, both crowds come of as a bunch ungrateful brats whom don’t get their way. You’ll should be happy we’re getting anything localized in terms of games. Let me give you’ll something to think about imagine a gaming world in the U.S where the only choices we have is FPS, sports games, and Assassin’s Creed for games to play. Furthermore, what I just mentioned is basically all we have as choices now, so please open your mind and get off the I won’t buy a game because I didn’t get the voice preference I wanted.

    Also, thank you Atlus for localizing this game, because it could’ve stayed in Japan. Lastly, Atlus please keep Sega’s Shining Resonance in mind for localization because there is a core group of gamers that would love to play it here in the states.

  • Wow, some people can be real jerks with their comments here. Thank you guys for continuing to support the vita!

  • Thankful Vita owner here!

  • Is that “fripSide” I hear in the opening trailer? I recognize the vocals.

    Anyway, interesting game. Will take a look at it. Since it will have a dub, that means physical for PS3.

  • The main character Sho Kasugai doesn’t read minds, he sees the future. Geez, guys, don’t you know about your own game? ;P

  • Thank you for supporting the vita.

  • Dub only?! No thanks.

  • Niiiiiiiicccee. I like these kind of games when your choices matters.

  • I have my issues with Atlus JP’s Vita support (namely, it really doesn’t exist – yes, I know of DAN, but their overall output on the platform has been sparse) but I’m happy to see Atlus USA still trucking along.

  • Day one buy for me (like every games you release). Very excited for this one, can’t wait :) !

    Thanks for your hard work, RPGs rock!

  • love the Vita support <3
    but please add dual audio!

  • Typical of Atlus to once again not provide dual audio even though smaller studios such as Xseed, nisa, idea factory and so on are able to, at this point it isn’t licensing issues or space constraints but just atlus acting all high and mighty thinking everybody only wants to american dub and not the original japanese dub regardless how horrible it is.

  • I’m glad this will be PlayStation TV compatible.

  • People always need something to whine about. It’s dubbed. Now I am going to throw a tantrum. You probably was not going to get it anyway.

  • Atlus being a cheapskate again, nothing new here.

  • lol really? Atlus proving again and again they are behind the times not including dual audio. At the very least sell the original audio as paid dlc for a reasonable price. Dub only means my incentive to get this day 1 dampened to “wait for sale” tier.

  • thank you Atlus
    and for those who complained about not having jp audios u should be thankful its coming to the west
    For Atlus should i wait for collector edition or there is no such thing?

  • @122
    I asked about a collectors edition and the response was TBD. Since it seems more info will come on april im guessing they will know by then.

  • @122
    I suppose you are one of those people that would happily buy a localized game even if it was heavily censored.

    If you are happy to lower your standards in order then by all means but that doesn’t mean others will lower them so you can feel better about yourself, smaller companies like nisa, xseed, ifi and so on are able to provide dual audio in most if not all of their games while companies like square enix is now starting to provide dual audio for those who want it after many requests. The only company that keeps the american dub only stance is atlus and all it proves is how arrogant they are.

  • As long as there is no Japanese voice track I will not buy your games Atlus (and the majority of people I know won’t either) ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

  • Why isn’t this for PS4 and why even continue to support ps3 if new gen is already out, whats the point in owning a ps4 anymore.

  • …Another “Turn-Base” game huh. Wish it was an online MMO/RPG like “Toukiden” or “Phantasy Star” series.

  • Will this be cross-buy?

  • Great! I’ll buy it on PS3!

  • does it release on asia too?

  • I’ve had my eye on this for a while. I’ve even seen some game play on sites such as YouTube and others (It looks great/interesting, btw). As much as I like getting a game with options like dual audio. I’ll definitely keep this game in mind when the time comes around (haven’t made a decison yet, but I’m really tempted now)

    @ SoulEdge94 — I’m really glad that you’ll be able to get/enjoy this one, man!

  • Thank you for bringing this to NA. I will be picking up the retail version for my Vita.

  • Thanks for bringing this game to the west ATLUS,you guys are awesome,the lack of japanese audio will be kinda sad but if the english dub is good i wouldnt mind.

    By the way,i live in Argentina so i was wondering if there is any plan to translate or even dub your games in spanish in the future

  • People really love to complain…. seriously.
    Anyway, thanks Atlus, I’m really happy that you guys are bringing this game to west.
    And to reinforce, please, bring SEGA games, especially Phantasy Star Nova, since you and SEGA are now the same company, it must be easier for you guys to localize, and I beieve the demand for PSN is way higher than Lost Dimension, and don’t appear to be a nightmare game to translate.
    Could you guys too bring Chaos Ring Trilogy?
    Some Falcon games like Legend of Heroes?
    I know I’ m asking for much, but I want to try anyway.

  • @131

    yea im happy I can look forward to an announcement not have to be sadden of lack of a dub thus skipping the game. As I said I would like dual audio so noone would have to be left out in the cold,but hey you win some you lose some. I should know. iv had to skip out a good chunk of vita releases.

  • There has to be some middle ground where both parties are happy. Why not make the JP audio paid DLC? Surely if Square Enix can overcharge on drakenguard you can also. Let alone Atlus is a big company and you see small niche localization companies like Xseed, Aksys, NISA, hell even Koei Tecmo has dual audio for the Atelier series.

  • @136
    I would have easily paid 10 bucks more for a dub dlc for the many sub only games that recently came out.

  • I swear, ATLUS, DON’T DO DUAL AUDIOS. It’s a wasted effort to do it, most of these jerks won’t try the English audio. English dubs have gotten a lot better, some even surpasses their counterparts, but nope, they don’t care, as long as they listen to a language that they barely understand. Its sick that they don’t have the praise they deserve. Plus, they’re already being praised in Japan.

    To those who are complaining about the no dual audio option, learn Japanese and import the game, you keep praising their audio so much, you just have to ignore or disrespect the English VAs. I mean, my god. Just please Atlus, keep doing the one-track audio, this is not being selfish, it’s just to clarify that this is a localization, with a language we understand. Also, I know there is always the subtitles, but, seriously, not every game has to be read all the time, I don’t care how fast you read, there is always a book.

    Anyways, i’ll totally buy Lost Dimension. It’s a good thing I saved up some money. Worth it, I guess. :)

  • @all those ppl who think we whine because we want japanese dub.

    we are the consumer if the game lacks japanese dub, for us it destroys our enjoyment off that product.
    it’s our money if you feel the game need support plz buy a 100 copies more and stop complaining about our choice.
    ppl telling us go learn japanese and import a japanese copy, atleast we are trying 2 learn it instead off staying stupid and only having the brain capacity for 1 langauge like most off you. and importing certain japanese games would still help the company that is screwing us.
    only way for change is 2 let your voice be heard so that’s what we are doing if the company doesen’t like it 2 bad then they just need 2 grow up and get with the program that most Anime and rpg publishers do nowadays.

  • 5th
    we don’t buy if no japanese dub/some don’t buy because no english dub that’s their choice but if english dub isen’t included there are enough off you ppl whining 2 so grow up yourself.

    @John Hardin
    you hardly seem the person that should be working in a company that makes anime styled games like some users said you feel we need 2 respect the english voice actors yet you totally disrespect the japanese voice actors.

    and i get with persona 4 ultimate arena you must feel disgusted when the first game had dual audio and were proud when they cut it out without spreading the word that it was cut out.

  • Keep it coming Atlus. Atlus just knows how to make people smile, localization top notch and the turnaround time is amazing. Good Job guys, proof that jrpg is not dead and only getting better.

  • @Atlus USA

    Are you guys stupid or what ? What’s up with your company ?
    Can’t you see that many of your customers want a dual voice option, your awful english dub have ruined soo much games. Idea Factory, NISA, SEGA, Xseed, AksysGames,Nintendo, BandaiNamco, TecmoKoei, Sony, Marvelous all these companys are able to give their fans what they want. Your games really deserves low sales.

  • @142
    Oh yea you mean how sony offered an english dub for their past two vita games…oh wait they didint. So yea they are not giving what fans really want.

  • It is really dissapointing that Atlus never give us dual voice option. I don’t know how difficult it is to get that licences but if other company can do it why can’t Atlus do it. This blog show us that many players want this option, you could also give us this with DLC. I can understand why some people getting angry. I am from europe and I can say you Mr. Hardin that many players pass on your games because of no dual audio option. You could sell more copies if you give us this option, thats 100% for sure.

  • @144
    Other companies could sell more if they put a dub option,but they don’t. I doubt this will be any different.

  • I seriously can’t believe you guys. Complaining bout the lack of JP audio where were you all when Tales Of Hearts R came out? People were complaining about lack of English dub in that game and now people are complaining about lack of JP audio.

    There is no pleasing you guys. For the dub I just want to hear people that aren’t Yuri Lowenthal Johnny Yong Bosch and Laura Bailey.
    I love them but I’m already gonna hear them in P4D. So how about Melissa Fahn,Ali Hillis,Crispin Freeman or Nolan North?

    @AtlusUSA about the opening song is it sung by FripSide’s Nanjou Yoshino? It really sounds like her. If it is awesome I really love Nanjolno

  • It’s unfortunate to see that Atlus USA still doesn’t care about all the fans who prefer the original Japanese audio + English text in localizations of Japanese games. Quite a shame, since I thought we’d finally start to get some excellent localizations like Tears to Tiara II from Atlus. Almost all companies nowadays include the original Japanese audio in Japanese games, even Namco Bandai is finally localizing Tales games with the original Japanese audio + English text, a decision that I applaud . I would have purchased Lost Dimension if the original Japanese voice acting was included since it’s one of the main reason I enjoy Japanese games and the game looked fun, but removing the voice acting completely ruins the fun for me so this is yet another Atlus game that I won’t be buying.

    Fortunately there are plenty of other properly localized Japanese games to choose from, but it’s always a shame to see good games rendered unplayable due to important content like the original voice acting being removed for no valid reason.

  • It’s really unfortunate that Atlus doesn’t get what fans want, perhaps it’s the existence of such troll in Atlus that is impeding the channel. Though if they have a valid reason for leaving out japanese voice track out of japanese RPG, they would’ve answered in detail instead of hiring some narrow-mindedness troll replying here with his biased answer.

  • See Atlus U.S.A ?

    Many Customer is not only from your Country, You Have Asia Too which some of us love the Original Track Too.

    if you want to get profit and more customer then you should keep the original Track on your Translation Game on Future.

  • We’re not complaining, We want to boost ATLUS Sales which makes them Keep getting on track. but if they keep ignoring us, how can we help them :(

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